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The journey of making the difference

Our Certified Hypnotherapist  Pamela Abshear Metaphyscian LE, CPDA, CHt specializes in clinical applications and is well qualified to manifest what was only wants and desires into purposed reality, thru carefully customized compassionate, individual Transpersonal approach which envelopes the Body, Mind and Spirit. 

You are a treasured whole...and we respect and treat, as such. 

Pamela carefully considers how your conscious programming works, your learning style and the way you process your information and the world around you, this is vital for a systematic successful approach to reaching and achieving improved self projection, confidence, stress release and overall perspective on viewing and dealing with life's challenges in all areas of your life.

"Now" is time to set up a great plan of healing that can last into a lifetime, believing you can achieve it, it can be done!

  Our staff is committed to meeting and achieving your goals, we are all tuned into the greater good. 

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